In-store Purchase

  1. Go to
  2. Log in or create a new store account.
  3. Click on the Activate and Access eBooks link.
  4. Click on the activate an in-store purchase link.
  5. Enter access code from your in-store purchase receipt. Click Activate
    • Some eBooks and online courseware are hosted on the publisher’s website. For these products, you will get a code from RedShelf that you will need to redeem on the publisher’s website


Online Purchase

When you order an eBook or digital access code, it is ready to activate as soon as you complete the checkout process and your payment method is approved. Nothing will be shipped to you. Instead, you will receive an email with activation instructions.

  • 1. Go to
  • 2. Log in to your store account with the same email address and password you used to place your order.
  • 3. Click on the Activate and Access eBooks link.
  • 4. Click on the IMAGE (image may not always load) of the book. (NOT the in-store purchase link)
    eBook activation screen
  • 5. You will then be taken to RedShelf to complete the activation and download process. The email address you use for your RedShelf account must match the email address you used to order your eBook.
    • Some eBooks and online courseware are hosted on the publisher’s website. For these products, you will get a code from RedShelf that you will need to redeem on the publisher’s website


How do I redeem my Publisher Access Code? (Must enable pop-ups in browser settings)

  1. Go to
  2. Log in or create a new store account.
  3. Click on the Activate and Access eBooks link.
  4. In-store purchase: Click on the activate an in-store purchase link. Online purchase: click on the IMAGE (image may not always load) of the book.
  5. Copy the code from the pop-up window and paste it into the publisher’s site. Link to the publisher’s site should be provided by your instructor via D2L.


  • Read the instructions because different publishers may have different instructions for their product. Keep in mind, you can only redeem the Publisher Access Code at the publisher's website 

If you have problems redeeming your Publisher Access Code, please contact the publisher:

RedShelf only provides access to the Publisher Access Code. We can’t troubleshoot access to the publisher’s platform.